All students and staff are invited to dress up on the following days!
- 10/23 Monday: Be Brave, Be Bold, Be - You Wear Red
- 10/24 Tuesday: Team Up for Safe Choices - Wear your favorite sports team shirt
- 10/25 Wednesday: 50th Day of School continue being BRIGHT and never be dark - Wear neon colors
- 10/26 Thursday: You are too SMART to get off path! - Wear your PECAN SPRINGS t-shirt
- 10/27 Friday: You have the power to make great choices EVERYDAY - Wear your SUPERHERO shirts!
- 10/30 Monday: Follow your DREAMS - Pajama Day
- 10/31 Tuesday: Making good choices builds "character" - Dress up in your custom
Please remember to follow the school dress code.
No scary customs, No scary masks, No costume with weapons